Welcome to the site of Tokyo Lacanian School, the unique school of Lacanian
psychoanalysis in Japan.
If you intend to learn really psychoanalysis, you must enter into a personal
experience of psychoanalysis, because transmission of psychoanalytical
knowledge will be effected only through your own analytical experience.
Tokyo Lacanian School founded on Lacan’s borromeanity with Freud and Heidegger
is the only place in Japan where you can learn really psychoanalysis.
That every human being becomes psychoanalyst through one’s own analytical
experience, that is the final aim of Tokyo Lacanian School, because to
be a psychoanalyst is one of possible ways of desalienation-liberation
for us modern human beings who are always in the age of nihilism.
What is psychoanalysis ?
Psychoanalysis is the practical phenomenology of the truth of the Being of human subject as far as we live in language, that is to say, as far
as we are what Lacan calls parlêtre (In-language-Being).
All the teaching of Lacan consists in founding psychoanalysis purely, that
is, non-empirically.
Then we can say that what makes the foundation of psychoanalysis is the apophatic ontology ‒ "apophatic" in the sense of so-called apophatic theology or
negative theology.
Lacan explains for us this apophatic ontology in his ontological topology he develops with topologies of projective plane and of borromean knot.

According to the phenomenological structure of the truth of the Being,
a psychoanalytical school has a double function : on one hand it concerns
the Being as such in its own truth, and on the other hand it presentifies
psychoanalysis on the dimension of beings as such in whole. Lacan calls
the former function « psychoanalysis in intension » and the latter « psychoanalysis
in extension ». This one consists in all the discourses about the psychoanalytical
subject, that one in the psychoanalytical practice as such no matter how
you call it, personal analysis or training analysis.
So the function of Tokyo Lacanian School is double too. On one hand it
offers to every In-language-Being a possibility of having one’s own experience
of psychoanalysis. On the other hand it organizes seminars open to the
public to develop the question concerning the Being of psychoanalytical
Luke S. OGASAWARA, director of Tokyo Lacanian School
Luke S. Ogasawara's works
Lacanian terminology list (incomplete)